DD Donate. I am actually thinking of doing that.
never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Reveal releases outstanding audio w/Trey Bundy doing interviews. One is with a former Bethelite who cared for old GB members
by AndersonsInfo inhttps://www.revealnews.org/episodes/secrets-of-the-watchtower/?utm_source=reveal&utm_medium=dist&utm_campaign=zalkin.
not only will you hear howie tran, former-bethelite, but irwin zalkins talks about watchtower's child abuse secrets.
debbie mcdaniels talks about her child abuse and you will hear trey actually talking to the jw who molested her..
never a jw
Angry and scared
by BlackWolf ini feel like everything that comes out of my mothers mouth is something negative and cringe worthy.
all she seems to talk about with me is how terrible and demonic our disfellowshipped relatives are, how horrible the world and holidays are, or how she is so much better and "holier than thou".
it really makes me sick sometimes.
never a jw
Black wolf,
Seems that your parents are the intransigent, zealot type. Is there an elder or ministerial servant that is well respected and reasonable regarding your problem. Some JW's understand and are more patient. Sounds crazy, but you may get an ally in the congregation that may be able to placate your parents.
"I am not ready" is a good answer and a reasonable JW could help you keep your parents off your case for a while. I have known some JW's who understand quite well the statement "I am not ready"
VIDEO: Midweek Meeting w/c Mon 5 Dec 2016
by darkspilver inmidweek meeting w/c mon 5 dec 2016. meeting schedule / workbook.
you need to click through to youtube to watch the video.
never a jw
Two hours of video. Can you give us the gist of it?
How Jehovah’s Witnesses leaders hide child abuse secrets at all costs - Reveal News - December 10, 2016
by jwleaks inhow jehovah's witnesses leaders hide child abuse secrets at all costs.
by trey bundy.
reveal news.
never a jw
The Watchtower is quite ready to forgive child abuser's and disfellowship the abused. I wonder why. I think this is a tactic to keep the abusers from revealing Watchtower dark secrets and to isolate the victims, who may feel that nobody will believe them. It's worked great for the Watchtower. But the time is coming when the tactic will come back to hit them hard, very hard.
How Jehovah’s Witnesses leaders hide child abuse secrets at all costs - Reveal News - December 10, 2016
by jwleaks inhow jehovah's witnesses leaders hide child abuse secrets at all costs.
by trey bundy.
reveal news.
never a jw
More interesting stuff
Holy mountains in Canaanite myth and the Bible
by Leolaia inbaal's mountain: mount casius
baal's mountain was biblical zaphon, known in ugaritic as sapan, in hittite and hurrian as mount hazzi, in akkadian as ba'lisapuna, in greek and latin as casius (< kasios), and in modern arabic as jebel 'el-aqra', which stands at a height of 5,660 ft. about 25 miles north of ras shamra and 2.5 miles from the coast.
i will climb to the top of thunderclouds, i will rival elyon ('l'wn).
never a jw
Always great to have Leolaia's vast knowledge brought to the front. I will copy and paste for my Bible files, as I always do with anything that has Leolaia's signature.
Angry and scared
by BlackWolf ini feel like everything that comes out of my mothers mouth is something negative and cringe worthy.
all she seems to talk about with me is how terrible and demonic our disfellowshipped relatives are, how horrible the world and holidays are, or how she is so much better and "holier than thou".
it really makes me sick sometimes.
never a jw
Time flies. Just hang on a little longer. You will be fine as long as you don't get baptized.
You said you have no friends outside. Time to start, little by little, one conversation at a time.
"While I love my two children very much, I feel today I should never have had them."
by running_away inthis is interesting:.
"a whole lot of the time, i just don't like being a mother, and i generally don't fit well into this role.".
never a jw
You are wasting your time with the "I could have", "I should have", "I must have" Life is rather short. Use your time with the "I will" and enjoying the present.
Numbers 31:17 and 18
by schnell innow therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
but all the women children that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.. *sigh*.
it's not that i haven't seen this passage before.
never a jw
Think about it, those verses must the basis for protecting pedophiles in the congregation. Jehovah ordered his people to preserve virgins (children) for themselves. JW's really adhere to the Bible. Take that you false religionists.
Do You Remember When JWs Relished Explaining Their Beliefs?
by minimus ini bet most witnesses could not explain their blood policy, their understanding of the slave, and even simple biblical doctrines....they are an embarrassment to any old timer..
never a jw
Never a jw If you think the Bible has never predicted anything I encourage you to read this...
A believer,
You are so naive. Let me try to do my own prophecies :
"In the year 2008 the son of the white and the black will become the most powerful king"
that's an accurate prophecy about Obama becoming president, using the author of the book of Daniel techniques. it's called vaticinum ex eventu. It's easy, even a kid can do it.
Also try this regarding failed prophecies/predictions. Use your Bible and confirm